Voice of Students
Ritika Shrestha
I am student of Vinayak college. It is a plateform of education and knowledge. Not only education but also extra curricular activities are better for sharpening the thoughts of the student for learning and growing. I’m very thankful to the Vinayak college team for providing me this plate form which has supported me for building my bright future
Muna Lama
Accept my warmest thanks. I appreciate every one for guiding me and the time you invested on me. Always have intellectual curiousity and never stop learning. I’m indebted to teachers for teaching me to live well. I was here for no other purposes then learning and growing. I knew that those daays were the best days of my life. Moreover tha
Indra Kala Rai
I’m extremely glad to be the student of VSN school/college which has shown me the right path to pace ahead. Vinayak has been a milestone for my career and the sincere supports and good guidance have paved the right direction for my goal of life. I’m really thankful to the college team for being the pathnder for my future. Rock on
VSN, Rock Always!!
Aashish Khakurel
As I look back on our journey so far, I am truly grateful for your support and relentless dedication. Your commitment and inspiration have been so instrumental in the shaping of our shared experiences. I have been inspired by your insight and resilience, and your kindness has often been the bright light in some of the darkest moments. Your unyielding belief in us and all that we are trying to do has been the propulsion we have needed to move forward and to do so with purpose. Thank you for being a constant ally and an inspiration of strength and compassion. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones, and I am honored to have you by my side.
Madan Khattri
I am Madan Khatri, one of the students of VSN college. I am extremely happy to be a part of this institution. Teachers here are very intelli gent, quali ed and friendly. Vinayak college is not only known for academic exlcellence, but also for di erent ECA and CCA activities. I Would like to give thanks for making my future bright and better.
Kabita Bohara
It’s me Kabita bohara, one of the luckiest students of VSN family. Accordingly, I am thankful to school because it has helped me and what I am passionate about, pushed me to seek new experiences, and altered my personality. The opportunity to further my studies would not have been possible without its contribution and it has truly made a significant difference in my life. Your thought fulness is a gift, I will always treasure.
Lizan Niraula
a sweet ower blooms from a bitter seed, so wisdom springs from experience.” – This proverb perfectly re ects my experience at Vinayak School. The education I received may have been challenging at times, but the knowledge and skills I gained have blossomed into something truly valuable. Looking back from the perspective of a topper, I am incredibly grateful for the dedication of the teachers and the supportive environment Vinayak provided. It wasn’t just about achieving top grades, but about fostering a love for learning and pushing myself towards success and prosperity. Thank you, Vinayak, for a truly enriching journey
Rikisha Shrestha
I am grateful for my life and destiny for bringing me to this college. Truly vinayak college is a great place for learning and exploring vast ocean of knowledge. To my teachers, I extend my heartfelt thanks for shaping me into the person I am today. Your encourage ment and support have made a lasting impact on my life . I will forever cherish the memories I made during my college years.